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The Anthropologist

"Art isn't a pursuit. It's a way of life."


"Anthropologie may be the first store to launch a website devoted to creative endeavors without a single retail catch.  Anthropologist functions as an online gallery previewing works by a host of different artists, the most recent of which is the largest piece of artwork ever — a nine square mile drawing (or etching) by Jim Devevan on Lake Baikal in Siberia.  

We spoke to Trevor Lunn, Anthropologie's Executive Creative Director, whose enthusiasm for the project's contagious,  "My six year old son watched the video and he pulled out a piece of paper and started sketching right away!" 

The film he's referring to is by Meredith Danluck (she's covered subjects as diverse as Michael Jackson and Adam Kimmel).  She'll release a documentary on Anthropologist at the end of the year.  While she's tracking the artists involved, Trevor and his team are busy putting together a roster that mirrors the diversity of the brand. 

He summed it up best, "We're a brand that's very much about experience not just product. What our customers love about us is the whole store experience, the package around the product, and in a digital space it's difficult to explore that because it needs to be based around ease and functionality. So I was looking for a vehicle that could allow us to explore the branding of the company and put that in front of both new and existing customers and talk about who we are as a brand — to capture our essence."